Adrienne Wootten

State Climate Office of North Carolina, Southeast Climate Science Center

Ph.D. Candidate, Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (North Carolina State University), M.S., Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (North Carolina State University), B.S., Meteorology (North Carolina State University)

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Adrienne graduated magna cum laude with a degree in Meteorology and concentration in Statistics in 2008 from North Carolina State University. While in her undergraduate program she was involved in several consulting projects through the Environmental Statistics Practicum program, with clients including the Maryland Department of the Environment, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. After she began working at the State Climate Office, Adrienne was also hired as contractor by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division. In Fall 2011, Adrienne received her Master’s degree in Atmospheric Science from North Carolina State University, specifically focusing on statistical downscaling of precipitation for seasonal forecasting in the Southeast U.S. She is currently a Doctoral candidate in Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences at North Carolina State University. Her doctorate research will involve downscaling of climate change scenarios for ecosystem modeling efforts in North Carolina and Puerto Rico, with particular emphasis on the calculation and communication of risk and uncertainty in decision making. Adrienne’s former project involved the evaluation and synthesis of downscaled climate projections with respect to the needs of biologists, ecologists, and conservation managers in the Southeast U.S.  She also continues to actively engage with multiple sectors to assist stakeholders using downscaled climate projection data appropriately for their needs.  While actively in research, Adrienne also actively participates in the extension, outreach, and education activities of the State Climate Office of North Carolina.  Aside from serving on the ECCF Editorial Board, Adrienne is also a member of the American Association of State Climatologists, a former SECSC Global Change Research Fellow, and works with the many organizations involved with climate in the Southeast.