Meaghan Guckian

Northeast Climate Science Center, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ph.D. Student, Environmental Conservation (University of Massachusetts Amherst), M.S., Natural Resources and Environment (University of Michigan), B.S., Psychology (St. Lawrence University)

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Research Summary: 

Meaghan is currently a PhD student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the Department of Environmental Conservation where she is focusing in Environmental Policy and Human Dimensions. Her research interests inlcude examining the drivers of pro-environmental decision-making and exploring the conditions under which people will positively engage with environmental issues and actions. She seeks to leverage insights from the behavioral sciences to inform more effective participatory-based interventions, programming initiatives and policy. Meaghan is particularly interested in the cognitive and contextual conditions under which climate and resource uncertainty is communicated effectively. As a behavioral scientist, Meaghan recognizes the challenge of conveying complex scientific information in ways that help people to make more informed environmental decisions and enhance public engagement. Ultimately, in cultivating familiarity with an unknown future, she hopes to help others envision, adopt, and sustain lifestyles and management practices that are marked by living well, while living within limits.